The professional land surveyor locates the property upon which improvements are planned and constructed. These professional services will cost less in time, worry and expense than the cost of moving a building, relocating improvements or defending a lawsuit in court due to land boundary controversy. Retain a licensed professional land surveyor prior to the investment of funds as a protection of your interests.
The answers to these questions can be reassuring or distressing, but if they are discovered after closing the sale, the results may be a financial disaster.
They are important because the property described in a contract often is not exactly as it was shown or appeared to the purchaser. Sometimes property that has been improved and maintained by a seller actually belongs to a neighbor. The property lines may go through a garden, a garage or even a house. Occasionally, a contract describes completely different land than was shown to the purchaser.
Your surveyor will study the documents that apply, including those in your title search. Then a field survey will be conducted, searching for and obtaining evidence of property boundaries and locating any visible improvements on or near the property. When the field survey is complete, the measurements are mathematically proven and the documents compared with the evidence found. After the exact locations are determined by the surveyor, a report is prepared, usually in the form of a survey map.